

AI Fluffy Pony

每匹小马都是Al独一无二的,其中20%是独角兽,10%是额外的乐趣。 每匹小马都有应用程序(18)点击器、fappy、rummy、polo等的


在 1xNFT,我们对一种称为不可替代代币或 NFT 的全新数字商品感到兴奋。NFT 具有令人兴奋的新特性:它们是独一无二的、可证明稀缺的、可交易的,并


We would like to introduce the first “Collect to Earn” platform, which gamifies and socializes the collector’s experience. Here would be a brief scope of the project’s features. HERE WE GO!⛓ COLLECT — the versatile stock of game card collections. Currently, there are exhibited more than 75 collections of Dark Country, HodlGod, and Blockchain Heroes. But don’t count on permanence — partners will be changed occasionally. Complete the tasks, gain XP points, and Racoon Coins via Achievements — give your best shot!

OVO NFT platform

OVO(是日本No.1 NFT发行平台,融合最新AR-NFT技术,为优质内容提供一站式NFT解决方案。OVO平台集成了发行